Workin' Whiskers rescue is a non-profit organization dedicated to saving the lives of shelter, street and abandoned cats. We are not a government tax-funded shelter. We are all volunteers that work with Workin' Whiskers. We bring cats to our rescue and give them a second chance at a new life. We get them healthy and socialize them as best we can. We truly love our cats.
We know it's a long application. And there is an adoption process. Please understand that we are ensuring our babies go to great homes and we don't know you personally (yet). Understand that this is an adoption of a beautiful little soul that deserves the absolute best life. Please do not rush through it. Answer all the questions. Filling out the application will work best on a desktop/laptop. We will NOT RESPOND to incomplete applications.
We will not do adoptions of kittens under 8 months to a home with no other YOUNG cat in the current home. We will do adoptions of teenagers over 8 months or adults as single cats to their new home. Please make sure to read each cats profile that is linked to their picture. Each cat is different.
Click here to download the application.
Fill out all information required. Once complete press the submit button.
A representative will reach out to you directly and will conduct an interview over the phone.
You will be contacted after the phone interview to update you on your adoption status.
We will coordinate a meet and greet to work with both the potential adopters and volunteers schedules.
In home visits are required prior to final approval/adoption.
This contract will be signed in person at the time of adoption.
Payments can be received via VENMO - ZELLE - PAYPAL - or cash.
Bring your new cat home to their forever family!
See above for information on our adoption process
Affectionate, Athletic, Curious, Dignified, Friendly, Funny, Independent, Loyal, Playful, Quiet, Smart
* Good with cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Protective, Brave, Curious, Independent, Funny, Athletic, Quiet, Dignified, Couch potato, Loves kisses, ESA Anxiety Helper
* Good with dogs & cats
Affectionate, Curious, Dignified, Friendly, Funny, Playful, Quiet, Smart, Loves, Gentle
* Good with dogs & cats
Affectionate, Athletic, Curious, Friendly, Funny, Independent, Loves, Playful, Smart, Couch potato, Talker, Fiesty, Dignified
* Good with dogs & children
Affectionate, Curious, Dignified, Friendly, Funny, Gentle, Loves, Playful, Quiet, Smart, Athletic, Loyal
* Good with dogs & cats
Affectionate, Curious, Dignified, Friendly, Playful, Quiet, Funny, Gentle, Loves, Smart
* Good with dogs & cats
Affectionate, Curious, Dignified, Friendly, Funny, Gentle, Loves, Playful, Quiet, Smart, Athletic, Loyal
* Good with dogs & cats
Affectionate, Curious, Dignified, Friendly, Playful, Quiet, Smart, Funny
* Good with dogs & cats
Affectionate, Curious, Friendly, Funny, Independent, Quiet, Smart, Athletic, Loves, Loyal, Playful, Couch potato, Snuggy
* Good with cats
Affectionate, Curious, Dignified, Friendly, Funny, Playful, Smart, Gentle, Loves, Vocal
*Good with dogs & cats
Affectionate, Athletic, Curious, Dignified, Friendly, Funny, Independent, Loyal, Playful, Quiet, Smart
*Good with cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Curious, Independent, Funny, Quiet, Dignified, Couch potato, Loves kisses, Athletic, Brave
*Good with dogs & cats
Affectionate, Athletic, Curious, Dignified, Funny, Independent, Quiet, Smart, Protective, Sassy, Shy, Quiet
*Good with cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Curious, Independent, Funny, Quiet, Dignified, Couch potato, Loves kisses, Athletic, Brave
*Good with dogs & cats
Affectionate, Athletic, Brave, Curious, Friendly, Funny, Gentle, Independent, Loves, Loyal, Playful, Quiet, Smart, Talker, Snuggly
* Good with cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Playful, Smart, Curious, Independent, Funny, Athletic, Quiet, Dignified, Couch potato, Sassy
* Good with cats
Affectionate, Friendly, Funny, Independent, Smart, Playful, Loves, Curious, Athletic, Couch potato, Talker, Fiesty
* Good with dogs & children
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Brave, Curious, Independent, Funny, Quiet, Dignified, Couch potato
* Good with dogs & cats
Affectionate, Athletic, Curious, Dignified, Friendly, Funny, Gentle, Independent, Loyal, Playful, Quiet, Smart, Couch potato, Loves kisses
* Good with dogs and cats
Availability may change at any time. Updates to the website may not reflect the most recent adoptions.
See above for information on our adoption process
Friendly, Curious, Playful, Gentle, Smart, Funny, Couch potato, Dignified, Independent
* Good with cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Funny, Loves kisses, Smart, Curious, Couch potato
* Good with dogs & cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Playful, Curious, Smart, Funny, Gentle, Loves kisses, Independent, Quiet, Dignified
* Good with cats
Brave, Curious, Dignified, Independent, Quiet, Smart, , Shy, Timid
* Good with cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Protective, Brave, Curious, Independent, Funny, Quiet, Couch potato, Talker, Athletic
* Good with cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Brave, Curious, Independent, Funny, Athletic, Quiet, Dignified, Loves kisses, Talker, Protective
* Good with cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Curious, Independent, Funny, Athletic, Quiet, Loves kisses, Brave, Dignified, Couch Potato
* Good with cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Protective, Brave, Curious, Funny, Athletic, Couch potato, Loves kisses, Independent, Talker, Naughty, Quiet
* Good with dogs & cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Curious, Independent, Funny, Athletic, Quiet, Dignified, Brave
* Good with cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Curious, Independent, Funny, Athletic, Dignified, Quiet
* Good with cats
Friendly, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Brave, Curious, Independent, Funny, Athletic, Quiet
* Good with cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Brave, Curious, Independent, Funny, Quiet, Dignified, Loves kisses, Talker, Athletic
* Good with dogs & cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Brave, Curious, Independent, Funny, Athletic, Quiet, Dignified
* Good with dogs & cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Protective, Brave, Curious, Independent, Funny, Athletic, Quiet, Couch potato, Loves kisses, Talker, Naughty, Snuggler
* Good with dogs & cats
Friendly, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Protective, Brave, Curious, Independent, Funny, Athletic, Quiet
* Good with dogs & cats
Friendly, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Protective, Brave, Curious, Independent, Funny, Athletic, Quiet, Affectionate, Loves kisses, Talker
* Good with cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Brave, Curious, Funny, Athletic, Quiet, Dignified, Couch potato, Loves kisses, Talker, Loves Can Food, Independent
* Good with dogs, cats & other animals
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Brave, Curious, Funny, Athletic, Quiet, Dignified, Couch potato, Loves kisses, Talker, Loves Can Food, Independent
* Good with dogs, cats & other animals
Friendly, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Brave, Curious, Independent, Funny, Athletic, Quiet, Dignified, Couch potato
* Good with dogs & cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Curious, Independent, Funny, Quiet, Dignified, Loves kisses, Brave
* Good with cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Curious, Funny, Loves kisses, Brave
* Good with cats & children
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Brave, Curious, Independent, Funny, Athletic, Quiet, Dignified
* Good with cats
Affectionate, Curious, Dignified, Friendly, Funny, Gentle, Loves, Playful, Quiet, Smart, Athletic, Loyal
*Good with dogs & cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Curious, Funny, Loves kisses, Brave
* Good with cats & children
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Brave, Curious, Independent, Funny, Athletic, Quiet, Dignified, Loves kisses, Talker, Protective
* Good with dogs and cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Playful, Gentle, Curious, Funny, Couch potato, Quiet, Smart, Loves kisses, Independent
* Good with dogs & cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Protective, Brave, Curious, Independent, Funny, Athletic, Quiet, Dignified, Loves kisses, Curious, Talker, Curious
* Good with dogs & cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Brave, Curious, Independent, Funny, Dignified, Athletic, Quiet, Loves to be picked up
* Good with dogs & cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Curious, Independent, Funny, Quiet, Dignified, Loves kisses, Athletic
* Good with cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Brave, Curious, Independent, Funny, Quiet, Dignified, Loves kisses, Talker, Athletic
* Good with dogs & cats
Affectionate, Athletic, Curious, Dignified, Friendly, Funny, Independent, Loves, Playful, Smart, Couch potato, Talker, Fiesty, Quiet
*Good with dogs, cats & children
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Curious, Independent, Funny, Quiet, Couch potato, Loves kisses, Brave
* Good with dogs & cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Brave, Curious, Independent, Funny, Athletic, Quiet, Dignified, Loves kisses, Talker, Protective
* Good with cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Brave, Curious, Independent, Funny, Athletic, Quiet, Dignified, Loves kisses, Talker, Protective
* Good with cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Curious, Independent, Funny, Quiet, Dignified, Couch potato, Athletic
* Good with dogs & cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Brave, Curious, Independent, Funny, Quiet, Dignified, Loves kisses, Talker, Athletic
* Good with dogs & cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Playful, Curious, Funny, Smart, Quiet, Dignified, Gentle, Loyal
* Good with dogs & cats
Affectionate, Friendly, Smart, Curious, Funny, Playful, Loyal, Couch potato, Gentle, Independent, Loves kisses
* Good with cats & children
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Curious, Independent, Funny, Quiet, Dignified, Couch potato, Athletic, Loves kisses
* Good with cats
Affectionate, Athletic, Curious, Dignified, Friendly, Funny, Independent, Loves, Playful, Smart, Couch potato, Talker, Fiesty, Quiet
*Good with dogs, cats & children
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Curious, Independent, Funny, Quiet, Loves kisses, Couch potato
* Good with dogs & cats
Affectionate, Athletic, Brave, Curious, Dignified, Friendly, Funny, Gentle, Independent, Playful, Quiet, Smart, Loves Stuff Animals
* Good with dogs, cats & children
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Protective, Brave, Curious, Funny, Athletic, Couch potato, Loves kisses, Independent, Talker, Naughty, Quiet
* Good with dogs & cats
Affectionate, Friendly, Gentle, Smart, Curious, Loves Can Food, Talker
* Good with cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Brave, Curious, Independent, Funny, Quiet, Dignified, Loves kisses, Talker, Athletic
* Good with dogs & cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Brave, Curious, Independent, Funny, Athletic, Quiet, Dignified, Loves kisses, Talker, Protective
* Good with cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Brave, Curious, Independent, Funny, Athletic, Quiet, Dignified, Couch potato, Loves kisses
* Good with dogs & cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Playful, Smart, Funny, Curious, Independent, Athletic, Gentle, Couch potato, Loves kisses
* Good with dogs & cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Playful, Gentle, Curious, Funny, Couch potato, Quiet, Smart, Loves kisses, Independent, Dignified
* Good with dogs & cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Brave, Curious, Independent, Funny, Athletic, Quiet, Dignified, Loves kisses, Talker, Protective
* Good with cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Protective, Brave, Curious, Independent, Funny, Athletic, Quiet, Dignified, Loves kisses, Curious, Talker, Curious
* Good with dogs & cats
Friendly, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Brave, Curious, Independent, Funny, Athletic, Quiet, Affectionate, Loyal, Couch potato, Talker
* Good with cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Brave, Curious, Independent, Funny, Quiet, Dignified, Loves kisses, Talker, Athletic
* Good with dogs & cats
Affectionate, Athletic, Brave, Curious, Friendly, Funny, Gentle, Independent, Loves, Loyal, Playful, Quiet, Smart, Talker, Snuggly
* Good with cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Curious, Independent, Funny, Quiet, Dignified, Couch potato, Loves kisses
* Good with dogs & cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Playful, Smart, Curious, Independent, Funny, Quiet, Dignified, Couch potato, Athletic
* Good with cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Curious, Independent, Funny, Quiet, Couch potato, Loves kisses, Talker, Brave
* Good with cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Brave, Curious, Independent, Funny, Athletic, Quiet, Dignified, Loves kisses, Talker, Protective
* Good with dogs & cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Protective, Brave, Curious, Independent, Funny, Athletic, Quiet, Dignified, Talker
* Good with cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Protective, Brave, Curious, Independent, Funny, Athletic, Quiet, Dignified, Talker* Good with cats
Availability may change at any time. Updates to the website may not reflect the most recent adoptions.
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Curious, Independent, Funny, Athletic, Quiet, Couch potato, Loves kisses, Talker, Dignified
* Good with dogs & cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Protective, Brave, Curious, Independent, Funny, Athletic, Quiet, Dignified, Loves kisses, Curious, Talker, Curious
* Good with dogs & cats
Friendly, Playful, Curious, Funny, Couch potato, Quiet, Smart, Independent, Dignified, Affectionate, Loyal
* Good with cats
Affectionate, Friendly, Funny, Independent, Smart, Curious, Quiet, Couch potato
* Good with cats
Friendly, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Brave, Curious, Independent, Funny, Athletic, Quiet, Dignified, Couch potato
* Good with dogs & cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Brave, Curious, Independent, Funny, Athletic, Quiet, Couch potato, Dignified
* Good with dogs & cats
Friendly, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Brave, Curious, Independent, Funny, Athletic, Quiet, Dignified, Couch potato
* Good with dogs & cats
Friendly, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Brave, Curious, Independent, Funny, Athletic, Quiet, Couch potato, Talker, Loves Kisses
* Good with cats
Friendly, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Brave, Curious, Independent, Funny, Quiet, Dignified, Couch potato, Athletic
* Good with cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Protective, Brave, Curious, Independent, Funny, Athletic, Quiet, Dignified, Loves kisses, Curious, Talker, Curious
* Good with dogs & cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Brave, Curious, Independent, Funny, Athletic, Quiet, Dignified
* Good with cats
Athletic, Brave, Curious, Funny, Gentle, Independent, Playful, Quiet, Smart, Affectionate, Friendly, Loves, Talker, Loyal
* Good with cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Protective, Brave, Curious, Independent, Funny, Athletic, Quiet, Dignified, Loves kisses
* Good with dogs & cats
Affectionate, Athletic, Curious, Dignified, Friendly, Funny, Gentle, Independent, Loyal, Playful, Quiet, Smart, Couch potato, Loves kisses, Talker, Brave
* Good with cats & children
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Playful, Smart, Curious, Independent, Funny, Athletic, Quiet, Dignified, Couch potato, Gentle, Loves kisses, Talker
* Good with cats
Gentle, Playful, Smart, Brave, Curious, Independent, Funny, Athletic, Quiet, Dignified, Talker
* Good with dogs & cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Gentle, Playful, Curious, Couch potato, Funny, Brave, Smart, Independent, Dignified, Loyal
* Good with cats
Friendly, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Brave, Curious, Independent, Funny, Athletic, Quiet, Dignified, Talker
* Good with dogs & cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Brave, Curious, Independent, Funny, Quiet, Dignified, Loves kisses, Talker, Athletic
* Good with dogs & cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Brave, Curious, Independent, Funny, Quiet, Dignified, Couch potato, Loves kisses, Talker
* Good with cats
Friendly, Loyal, Independent, Smart, Couch potato, Curious, Gentle, Quiet, Dignified
* Good with dogs & cats
Affectionate, Friendly, Funny, Independent, Smart, Couch potato, Talker
* Good with cats
Affectionate, Curious, Dignified, Friendly, Funny, Gentle, Loves, Playful, Quiet, Smart, Athletic, Loyal
* Good with dogs cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Playful, Curious, Smart, Funny, Gentle, Loves kisses, Independent, Quiet, Dignified
* Good with cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Curious, Independent, Funny, Athletic, Quiet, Dignified, Adventurous
* Good with dogs & cats
Friendly, Affectionate, Loyal, Gentle, Playful, Smart, Brave, Curious, Independent, Funny, Athletic, Quiet, Dignified, Loves kisses
* Good with dogs and cats
Availability may change at any time. Updates to the website may not reflect the most recent adoptions.